Colorado Level 1 and Level 2
Education and Therapy
Court or DMV mandated treatment for DUI offenses essentially consists of two components: Education and Therapy.
Level 1 Education
Level 1 Education consists of 12 hours of DUI education over a minimum 3-day period, not more than 4 hours can be conducted in one calendar day. This level is typically conducted in a group or class. Level I Education is not appropriate for someone who has had more than one impaired driving offense, or one offense with a high BAC or refusal.
Level 2 Education
Level 2 Education consists of 24 hours of DUI education over 12 weeks. Typically conducted in a group setting, class size is limited to not more than 12 regularly attending. Level II Education can be recommended by itself or may be followed by Level II Therapy
Level 2 Therapy
When Level 2 Therapy is required, it follows Level 2 Education and can range in length from 5 to 10 months, depending on the track assigned. Track assignment depends on whether a person has prior impaired driving offenses, their BAC (or refusal to take a test) and other clinical indicators.
Level 2 Therapy Tracks

Level II Four Plus, also known as Track F, is a specialized treatment program for those individuals who have had four or more impaired driving offenses (DUI/DWAI). This treatment may be required by the courts/probation whether the last impaired driving offense was a misdemeanor or a felony.